Friday, February 28, 2014

Eebs Doodles and Dubble Letter Words

I know "Dubble" isn't a word, but it should be because it has a double letter in it. If the word that describes double has a double letter, it provides an example of what it means within itself. You can see why it should be spelled "dubble".
I like to doodle. My daughter is an excellent doodle-er. I think she even out-doodles me. Here are just a few samples of my Darling Daughter's Doodles (three Ds! or DDD or 3D!).
Eebs Doodles
Look! Cookie Doodles! (three double "o" words in a row- that's like double (dubble) prizes, or something!) In the lower left corner you can see how fantastically iced that cookie is and how marvelously well-doodled it is.

I generally like doodles. I also like miniatures and collections. Collections of miniatures are of particular interest. 

When Google started dooing doodles (ok, so I cheated on the "dooing", but c'mon! double (dubble) "Os"!) –which, I have no idea when they started– it just gave me a little smile anytime it happened to be a "Google Doodle Day" (I think I just made a new salutation). It might be because it kind of combines all three of the above. They are doodles of little miniature pictures, and when I particularly liked one, I would collect it. I especially like it when I learn something new from the doodle; it's a little fun bit of knowledge I wouldn't have known to look up otherwise.

Here are some sample Google Doodles:

I mean, how can you not love this collection of miniature doodles?! 

Now, the thing about Google Doodles, is they have specific doodles for different countries and people (on your birthday- it will have a "Happy Birthday" doodle. Creepy? A little.) The doodles for other countries opens up a whole new realm of random bits of knowledge you never knew you didn't know. I mean, you could get lost in the wiki-rabbit hole for days! So, it is with fair warning that I give you the URL to go explore current and past Goodles (hah! I mistyped "Google Doodle" as "Goodles"– and I think I like it. I'm leaving it!) from all over the world. If I were you, I would warn someone that you are going on this adventure before you start so that they can come extract you if you don't resurface in a few hours... Enjoy the "Goodles" right here!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Time Travel: SB 1062

At the Arizona Capitol for the "peaceful mobilization" against SB1062; I saw my friends, Brennan & Jordan Hays and their dad, Kirk. Brennan is right– SB1062 is crazy, even for Arizona!

Certain Arizona Senators and Representatives have proven time travel is possible; they have taken Arizona back to pre-Civil Rights Era legislation with SB 1062 / HB 2153
Here's a run down of the legislators (to vote out of office):
courtesy of Steve Marmel's FB page

Here's an overview of the bill: 
flow chart courtesy of Geoff Coffey
If you think I am exaggerating, listen to the Senator who authored the bill, Al Melvin. He thinks Anderson Cooper asking,  "If someone gets fired because they are gay or lesbian, is that discrimination?" is a "set up". Watch here.

And, continuing the series, "Can CNN find supporters of this bill who aren’t obvious homophobes", when we see the reaction of the director of Christian Business Networking when asked if gay business owners would be welcome to join the network we are left to wonder how this is NOT directly aimed at marginalizing and excluding based on sexual orientation. Watch through 60 seconds here. (I really wish I could embed these vids.; don't skip watching them- they are worth it.)

You may have noticed in the clip they showed protesters, or "Peaceful Mobilizers" in front of the state capitol (around 30 seconds). I was among them friday afternoon after the bill had passed both legislatures. All we can hope for now is that Governor Jan Brewer VETOS this bill. 

There were several people holding the signs I created. They looked basically like this:
"I don't serve REPUBLICAN LAWMAKERS" as in- it is against my religious beliefs to provide services for lawmakers who pass bigoted, persecutory and discriminatory legislation.

I was the one holding the really big sign that (basically) looks like the one above. I printed extras to hand out in case anyone needed a sign because a protest is much more fun with a sign. You can see the corner of my head in the photo below.
This photo is taken from the article written in The Christian Science Monitor
 In fact, three senators who voted FOR the bill are now urging Governor Brewer to Veto it. I guess they are having a case of "signers remorse"; if that isn't an indication of poor legislation, I don't know what is.
3 GOP senators’ about-face
On Monday, three Republican senators who have been Brewer’s allies changed course and asked her in a letter to veto the legislation.
They had voted for SB 1062 on Wednesday, but said they grew to regret the vote, especially after seeing the firestorm of negative publicity it had created for Arizona.
Sen. Bob Worsley of Mesa, a co-sponsor of the bill, signed the letter along with Sen. Steve Pierce of Prescott and Senate Majority Whip Adam Driggs of Phoenix. Worsley said the bill would not change state law in any material way, yet would harm the state’s business climate and reputation.
You can read the article "Brewer pressed to veto SB 1062" and watch a news clip at

Now that you know how I feel about this bit of discrimination, erh- legislation, what do you think about it?

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

ASU Career Services

Arizona State University has an office dedicated to helping students plan their career; it is called Career Services. Pretty good name, huh? They recently settled into their new home at the Arizona Center. So, if you have used their services before- don't go to the Student Center at the Post Office; you will not find them. They are upstairs from the movie theatre at Arizona Center.

This map shows how to get to the new Career Services office from the old Career Services office. This map does not mean that you have to start at the Post Office to walk to Career Services; it isn't a secret portal or anything. You will be able to get there from any starting point, especially if you have the address: 455 N 3rd St Suite 265, Phoenix AZ 85004. 
So, you know- go take a career-building workshop, and then reward yourself by going to a movie! If you go to the Career Services Website, you can find a list of upcoming events, workshops and webinars. They talk about everything from resumés (they have a workshop and lots of examples) to etiquette (they hosted an etiquette dinner!) to career attire (they did a fashion show!)

If you don't know where to start, no worries! You can just show up and they can help you out. Career Services (CS) has also put together this handy-dandy checklist to guide you through your career-building process as you go through college. Let me show you:
Note: the Downtown Phoenix Campus address on this checklist in incorrect. Please refer to the map above!
I went to a basic class to learn about how to prepare a truly spectacular resumé. They had a PowerPoint presentation and everything! It made it so handy to remember all the important bits to include. I don't want to spoil the workshop for you, because you really should go see them present it and get all the informational handouts that go along with it. However, I will share a few points of interest.

There are 2 resumé formats: Chronological and Functional. The Chronological Format is the most frequently used format; you list your experience in reverse time-sequence. This shows the growth and development through your career history.

The Functional Format emphasizes your skills and abilities, with less emphasis on specific employers and dates. This is often used when entering the job market after an absence. There are drawbacks to using this format. One drawback is that it emphasizes that you have had a long absence from the job market. I think I would try to write a chronological resumé that delineates other areas you have been involved that have forwarded your skill-set and growth- such as volunteer work.

The second thing that I thought was really fabulous is the Career Guide to Resumé Action Verbs. How fantastic is a huge list of words that will more accurately, concisely and precisely describe your educational, employment and growth experiences?  Yeah- pretty fantastic!

I will give you a little snapshot into this word-geek fest, but you really have to go down to see it in its full glory; this isn't even half of the list!
Your resumé will never sound mundane or repetitive again!
This is just the tip of the iceberg; Career Services has so much to offer students. It would be ridiculously foolish not to go check it out.

Friday, February 21, 2014

So, I Like to Sew

My mom started teaching me to sew when I was 8 years old. Once I got over the initial frustration curve, I have been glad I know how to sew ever since. Among the things I have made are dresses, shirts, pajama pants, skirts, water bottle holders, window coverings, decorative pillows, and quilts. Here are a few things I've made:
Dia de los Muertos Skirt

fall skirt

Woven fabric table runner

Banners for my sister when her twins were born

name banner for  the daughter of my dear friend. Ryan was in the hospital battling cancer.

A soft quilt and pillow case for Ryan in the hospital so it her room would be brighter, more comfy and hopefully a little cheerier.

name banner for a baby gift for my dear friends in Indiana

Arizona Centennial quilt (2012); each block represents something about Arizona

Jewelry-making tool holder; it rolls up (see next photo) to keep all your tools in one place. I made this one for my friend who moved to NYC as a going away gift

Jewelry tool kit rolled up

This is a second one I made for my very dearest friend, Janet, with whom I create jewelry. Maybe I will post about that sometime...

Jewelry tools snug as a bug in a rug. Ha!
a space pillow case for my "space case"

a quilt intended for hanging on the wall. Janet and I each made one of these and worked on them together. As soon as I get it quilted, I will hang it at christmas time. This has many pieces in a 40" x 40" quilt!
king-sized quilt for our "new" bedroom furniture; this quilt is about 115" x 115", so the pieces are much larger than the previous quilt! Plus, it will be used daily so will get worn much more quickly. More piecing means it takes more time to make. I didn't want to spend 100s of hours only to have it wear out in a (relatively) short time!
I have lots of other stuff, too. But, I won't bore you. What I really want to talk about is my very dearest friend, Janet.

Janet is a remarkable quilter. She taught me everything I know about quilting. As I said, I sew clothes, home dec, other stuff and have since I was young. But, I was never really any good at quilting until Janet came along. She and her best friend, Laurene Sinema, opened the first quilt shop in Phoenix, AZ in the 1980s (I believe). Laurene was nationally recognized for her appliqúe work and published several books. Janet published several books on quilting and wool rug hooking and penny rugs. Their were quite the dynamic duo! 
This is the second (and final) location of The Quilted Apple. It was on 24th St, just south of Indian School Rd

The store was called The Quilted Apple; sometime after Laurene passed away, the family sold the store in early 2004. Unfortunately, the store did not last long after that. It closed probably 5 to 7 years later. I wish I could remember the date, but I don't. Sorry. 

Janet and I used to get together at least once a week to create some sort of mischief. Now that I am in school, I am lucky if I see her once a month. It is so difficult to balance so many things; of course my family and friends are the most important things in my life. But, when I have a project due for my internship and homework and tests and responsibilities as a research assistant- there just is not enough hours in the day. We did get together in January before school started for me again.
Janet is finishing her Christmas charm necklace (I finished mine already). I am working on a "table topper" for the night stands in my bedroom; I want them to coordinate with the quilt. 
We each work on a project- often we are working on the same thing. We have made jewelry together, a really, really fabulous Christmas advent calendar mini-book (maybe I will post that sometime- of course, that'd be like 27 photos...); we did the Arizona Centennial quilt together and the red and green 40 stars quilt together... We have been best mates for close to 10 years; we have made many things together! This is the work in progress from that day in January we got together:
piecing in progress: the night stand topper

I pretty much just made up this quilt pattern based on the king size quilt. So, it took a little playing around with it to make it the right dimensions. I laid it out to see the size before I finished sewing it all together.
I was hoping to have these done by February 25- that's my husband's birthday. Unfortunately, it isn't going to happen. Presently, nothing gets done except school work, internship assignments and my responsibilities as a research assistant. Maybe when school is out in May...?!

PS I miss my Janet time!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Take The Lead Challenge with Sheryl Sandberg

Tomorrow, February 19, 2014 is the Take the Lead Challenge Event! It will be streamed live and you can watch it right here! (8 pm EST, 7pm CST, 6 pm MST or 5 pm PST)

Hey, fellow interns: watching this counts as a "Career Services Event"! So, watch it and write about it to fulfill your February 27 requirement. Yeah, I've got your back ;)


Take The Lead Teaches: Learn leadership skills that prepare you for success while breaking through internal and external barriers to parity.

Take The Lead Presents: Get inspired by facilitated presentations with diverse leaders in nonprofit, government and business sectors.

Take The Lead Connects: Connect with ever-expanding online and in-person networks to give and receive mentoring, support, and sponsorship.

Take The Lead Drives Change: Change the narrative from problems to solutions through thought leadership. And be part of the movement for positive change within your life as well as propelling larger systems change so that women will reach parity by 2025.

This will be live on February 19 (tomorrow!) at 8 pm EST, 7pm CST, 6 pm MST or 5 pm PST; If you are in Arizona- where this is streaming live from- it starts at 6 pm; Arizona is always on MST. Arizona does not do daylight-savings time.

What is Take the Lead?  On their website it says, "Take the Lead prepares, develops, inspires and propels women to take their fair and equal share of leadership positions across all sectors by 2025. It’s today’s women’s movement — a unique catalyst for women to embrace power and reach leadership parity."

The keynote speaker will by Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook and author of Lean In. Here's a graphic from their website indicating who is involved:
Watch the live stream here on my blog February 19th at 8 pm EST, 7pm CST, 6 pm MST or 5 pm PST
Don't miss it!